Sunday, October 27, 2013

Its a Bird Section 3

Parallel (Writing): 
In Section 3 of Its a Bird, Seagle starts to recieve advice and help from friends. It started with his boss giving his advice on how to draw superman comics. Though Seagle does not take the advice, he does start to take superman into consideration. He then becomes inspired by his girlfriend and writes a Superman comic. Though he throws his comic out, he has begun to put effort into the work. Later, he gets help from a friend to find his dad. 

Contrast (Visual): 
On Pages 36 and 37, there is a lot of vibrant colors unlike the rest of the book. These pages in the story are very colorful because this is Seagles idea for the Superman story. His drawings and writings for comics are full of color and vibrance but his drawings and writings about his real life are dark. If flipping through the book, you notice these sudden pops of color which only happen for a page or two.

In the Section "Red, Yellow and Blue", I like how Seagle kept the pictures basic with a white background si it puts your main focus on superman. He then starts to color in Superman based on the colors Red, Yellow and Blue and what each color represents. In the end, you are left with Superman and what he represents. 

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